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What the FinTech?! #2

Donnerstag 08.10.2015 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr - 9 Stunden


Im Februar präsentierten wir die erste Ausgabe unserer "What the Fintech?!"-Konferenz. Seitdem hat sich eine Menge getan.
Starbucks führt seine eigene Stars-Währung ein, Apple Pay ist in Europa angekommen, Kreditech kassiert einen Millionenbetrag von Peter Thiel (Gründer von PayPal). Immer mehr Banken steigen auf den FinTech-Zug auf.
Was erwartet uns in den nächsten Monaten? Wer wird der Gewinner und wer wird der Verlierer dieser Entwicklung sein?


Zeit Thema Speaker Unternehmen
09:00 Ankommen    
09:30 Grußwort STARTPLATZ Lorenz Gräf STARTPLATZ
09:45 What's hot in payments - Fintechs im B2C und B2B Payment Bereich Jochen Siegert traxpay
10:15 Revolution im Mittelstandsbanking Gernot Overbeck Fintura
10:45 Pause    
11:15 Rückblick: Ein Jahr Kooperation mit einer Bank Joschka Friedag Cringle
11:45 Startup Garage - ein Instrument für digitale Transformation Jana Koch comdirect
12:15 FinTech und Venture Capital Peter Barkow Barkow Consulting
12:45 Mittagessen    
13:45 Entwicklung des Bankings Susanne Krehl Barzahlen
14:15 tba Willhelm Niehoff Bank-Verlag GmbH
14:45 Innovative Produkte für Banken Tim Schneider Railslove / FinTech Weekly & FinTech Magazine
15:15 Pause    
15:45 Beyond UX - The really disruptive part of FinTech Ralf Heim Fincite
16:15 voola - Die Suchmaschine für Finanzprodukte Thomas Müller voola
16:30 Decimo - Flexibles Factoring für Freiberufler Philipp Kalwies Decimo
16:45 dwins - Kontowechsel spielend leicht Benjamin & Alexander Michel dwins
17:00 Podiumsdiskussion "Status quo und die Zukunft der Finanzbranche" Jana Koch, Peter Barkow, Wilhelm Niehoff, Ralf Heim, Tobias Ehret und Matthias Lais Moderation: Boris Janek
17:30 BBQ    


Bank-Verlag has been active on the German market as a service provider for German private banks since 1961. We have established ourselves as a competence centre for IT based Services, with a focus on the market segments ‘transaction’ and ‘electronic payment’ as well as certain other projects that are required by the authorities for banks in Germany. In these market segments Bank-Verlag is market and technology leader, in particular with regard to the aspects of ‘security’ and ‘reliability’.
As wholly-owned subsidiary of the Association of German Banks, the Bank-Verlag-Group combines market-specific expertise and technical know-how. We offer our clients the complete technical infrastructure, services, products, and media required for the smooth and cost-efficient management of a bank. Our highly available online data processing centres guarantee a continuous monitoring of our systems and ensure the necessary security for sensitive data. Our partners and customers include all major institutions of the banking and financial sector.

Web apps are more than our daily business. We closely accompany our clients throughout the process of turning an initial idea into a product ready to launch - and beyond. We understand the users’ demands and desires, so we develop products accordingly, resulting in more than just a piece of software. 
Railslove has supported and advanced the development of various FinTech software solutions. We deliver profound solutions and advise you on mere finch projects, as well as on the integration and automation of financial workflows in existing systems. We connect professional fintech know-how with modern software development.
These products are created with love, passion and cutting edge web technologies.


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