Issue #371 - Metaverse Makes People Scratch Their Heads July 7th, 2022

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    Even if China took severe measures against the crypto space, limitations don’t involve NFTs – as long as they comply with national regulations: considered more as an expression of cultural creativity, NFTs – or digital collectibles – are the next big thing for Chinese tech giants. That’s why top tech companies issued a “self-disciplined development proposal”: even if not legally binding, it could force the government to clarify the regulatory framework concerning NFTs. Companies use private blockchains to develop collectibles: people can pay for them only using yuan, and trading is discouraged.

    Misha Osipov, founder of the fintech firm Nova Credit, addresses an interesting topic: fintech-focused migrations. The country chosen by fintech enthusiasts is the UK: despite Brexit, the government seems to want to get back to “pre-Covid immigration levels.” The UK is not only the place where entrepreneurs find new fintech companies but also the place where you can develop fintech-related skills.

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